The 2020 Peak trading season will be unlike any other. Most multi-channel retail brands have been forced to adapt their Peak season plans in anticipation of changing customer needs, supply chains, delivery capability and for some, the change in sheer numbers of customers expected to buy since online sales exploded from March onwards. IMRG say that “COVID-19 is estimated to add £5.3 billion to the UK eCommerce industry in 2020 so there’s a big prize for brands that get it right this Peak season. But with a tough winter of lockdowns and restrictions predicted, will the size of the prize be impacted, what challenges will restrictions bring and will your plans need adapting again? And if change is needed, what information will guide your decisions and what changes can you make this close to the key dates?
Chaired by David Lockwood, this will be a question and answer Zoom session for the group to share practical ideas how to respond to the unique challenges you face.
Event details
Date: Friday 2nd October 2020
Venue: Zoom Session
Timing: Start 2.00pm, Finish 3.00pm
If you are a brand leader and would like to join us, please contact us at [email protected]